U8 *tSCB(CDoc *, CDocEntry *, CTask *mem_task)
{//This is called by the window mgr.
    //Things would get corrupted
    //if the window mgr used it's own
    //heap, so we use the owning task's heap.
    U8      *st = MAlloc(64, mem_task);
    CDate    cdt = tS * CDATE_FREQ;
    //Doesn't have to be fixed width!!
    StrPrint(st, "%d=%T", cdt, cdt);

    return st;

U8 *CurTimeCB(CDoc *, CDocEntry *, CTask *mem_task)
    U8 *st = MAlloc(64, mem_task);
    CDate cdt = Now;

    StrPrint(st, "%D %T", cdt, cdt);

    return st;

U0 DoIt()
    CDoc        *bdoc = DocBorder, *pdoc = DocPut;
    CDocEntry   *doc_e;

    DocBottom(bdoc);    //Ins at the bottom
    DocPrint(bdoc, "$RED$$CM+BY+LX,5,-3$");
    //The DocPrint() routine returns the address of the last entry.
    doc_e = DocPrint(bdoc, "$TX+TC,\" \"$");
    //The TC flag is "has tag callback".

    //Flags are explained here:
    //::/Doc/DolDocOverview.DD      ::/Doc/Widget.DD
    //Dollar Flags                  ST_DOC_FLAGS
    doc_e->tag_cb = &tSCB;
    DocPrint(bdoc, "$FG$");

    //WARNING: If you use the put_doc you
    //run the risk of the user pressing
    //<CTRL-t> or using the clip, both
    //of which will crash.              So, you might want
    //to use the border_doc.

    DocPrint(pdoc, "$LTRED$");
    doc_e = DocPrint(pdoc, "$TX+TC,\" \"$");
    doc_e->tag_cb = &CurTimeCB;

    //Send carriage return, new line, so
    //that the timer string is not part
    //of the next cmd on the cmd line.

U0 UndoIt()
{//Clear-out entries without a +H hold flag.
