    @defgroup Math Matrix Math
    @brief SSE accelerated matrix math.

    @ingroup Math
    @brief Integer 2D bounding box.
class CBoundingBox2D
    I32 x0, y0, x1, y1;

    @ingroup Math
    @brief Single-precision float.
I32 class F32 {};

    @ingroup Math
    @brief Single-precision floating point 2D vector.

    Must be kept on 16-byte alignment in memory.
class CVector2D
    I32 x, y, z, w;

    @ingroup Math
    @brief Single-precision floating point 3D vector.

    Must be kept on 16-byte alignment in memory.
class CVector3D
    I32 x, y, z, w;

    @ingroup Math
    @brief Single-precision floating point 4D vector.

    Must be kept on 16-byte alignment in memory.
class CVector4D
    I32 x, y, z, w;

    @ingroup Math
    @brief Single-precision floating point 4x4 matrix.

    Stored in column-major. Must be kept on 16 byte alignment in memory.
union CMatrix4D
    I32 e[16];
    CVector4D vec[4];

// Commonly used constants

#define F32_NEGATE_MASK 0x80000000  // Xor (^) with F32 to negate
#define F32_ZERO        0x00000000
#define F32_ONE         0x3F800000
#define F32_PI          0x40490FDB
#define F32_PI_OVER_180 0x3C8EFA35
#define F32_180_OVER_PI 0x42652EE1
#define F32_PI_OVER_2   0x3FC90FDB  // Pi / 2
#define F32_2_OVER_PI   0x3F22F983  // 2 / Pi

// Indexes into CMatrix4D element array (CMatrix4D.e[16]).
#define MAT4_00         0
#define MAT4_01         4
#define MAT4_02         8
#define MAT4_03         12
#define MAT4_10         1
#define MAT4_11         5
#define MAT4_12         9
#define MAT4_13         13
#define MAT4_20         2
#define MAT4_21         6
#define MAT4_22         10
#define MAT4_23         14
#define MAT4_30         3
#define MAT4_31         7
#define MAT4_32         11
#define MAT4_33         15

#define SSE_SIZE        4
#define AVX_SIZE        8

#define NDARRAY_I32     0
#define NDARRAY_I64     1
#define NDARRAY_F32     2
#define NDARRAY_F64     3

    @ingroup Math
    @brief N-Dimensional array.

    Array stored in column-major on 16 byte alignment in memory.
class CArray
    U16 dims;       // Dimensions
    U16 type;       // See NDARRAY_ macros
    U64 *dimLens;   // Dimension lengths
    U64 size;       // Total elements
    I32 *I32Buf;
    I64 *I64Buf;
    F32 *F32Buf;
    F64 *F64Buf;

CVector4D *gVec4Temp0 = MAllocAligned(sizeof(CVector4D), 16);
CVector4D *gVec4Temp1 = MAllocAligned(sizeof(CVector4D), 16);
CVector4D *gVec4Temp2 = MAllocAligned(sizeof(CVector4D), 16);
CVector4D *gVec4Temp3 = MAllocAligned(sizeof(CVector4D), 16);

CMatrix4D *gMat4Temp1 = MAllocAligned(sizeof(CMatrix4D), 16);
CMatrix4D *gMat4Temp2 = MAllocAligned(sizeof(CMatrix4D), 16);