#help_index "Install;File/Cmd Line (Typically);Cmd Line (Typically)"

#define ROUND_DRIVE_TO  (63 * 255)
#define DRIVE_HEADER    63

class CPlannedDrive
    CPlannedDrive   *next, *last;
    I64              size;
    Bool             pri;

public I64 DiskPart(U8 drv_let=0, ...)
{/*Partition the disk containing partition drv_let.

drv_let=0 means add new drive that is not already mounted.

>DiskPart('C',0.5,0.25,0.25); //Make three.  50% C, 25% D, 25% E, round-up to blk.

    CBlkDev         *bd;
    CPlannedDrive    head, *tmppp;
    CMasterBoot      mbr;
    Bool             pri = TRUE;
    I64              ext_base, drv_let2, pri_count = 0, i, start_offset, offset, total, remaining, cur_arg = 0;

    "This command does not play well\n"
    "with other operating systems.\n"
    "You really should use another\n"
    "operating system's partitioner.\n"
    "If you use this, it may, in fact,\n"
    "make your hard drive impossible\n"
    "to repartition with other operating\n"
    "until you set block zero to zero\n"
    "with $LK,\"BootMHDZero\",\"MN:BootMHDZero\"$()\n\n\n"
    if (argc <= cur_arg && !YorN)
        return 0;

    if (drv_let && !Letter2BlkDev(drv_let, FALSE))
        drv_let = 0;
    if (!drv_let && !(drv_let = Mount(TRUE)) || !(bd = Letter2BlkDev(drv_let, FALSE)) || bd->type != BDT_ATA)
        return 0;

    total = bd->max_blk + 1;
    drv_let2 = bd->first_drive_let;
    remaining = FloorU64(bd->max_blk + 1, ROUND_DRIVE_TO);
    while (FloorU64(remaining, ROUND_DRIVE_TO) >= ROUND_DRIVE_TO)
        tmppp = MAlloc(sizeof(CPlannedDrive));
            "$RED$Partition %C$FG$\n", drv_let2;
            tmppp->pri = FALSE;
            if (pri)
                "Primary Partition";
                if (argc>cur_arg || YorN)
                    tmppp->pri = TRUE;
                    if (pri_count == 3)
                        pri = FALSE;
                    pri = FALSE;
            "\nBlocks Remaining:%d (0x%X)\n", remaining - DRIVE_HEADER, remaining - DRIVE_HEADER;
            if (argc > cur_arg)
                tmppp->size = MinI64(CeilU64(MaxI64(remaining, DRIVE_HEADER), ROUND_DRIVE_TO),
                                CeilU64(argv[cur_arg++](F64) * total, ROUND_DRIVE_TO));
                tmppp->size = CeilU64(I64Get("Size in Blocks  :", remaining - DRIVE_HEADER) + DRIVE_HEADER, ROUND_DRIVE_TO);
        while (!(ROUND_DRIVE_TO <= tmppp->size <= FloorU64(remaining, ROUND_DRIVE_TO)));

        QueueInsert(tmppp, head.last);
        remaining -= tmppp->size;

    "\n\n!!! Repartition Drive !!!\n\n";
    tmppp = head.next;
    drv_let2 = bd->first_drive_let;
    while (tmppp != &head)
        "Drive %C:%08X ", drv_let2, tmppp->size;
        if (tmppp->pri)
        tmppp = tmppp->next;
    if (!argc && !AreYouSure)
        goto pd_done;

    remaining = FloorU64(bd->max_blk + 1, ROUND_DRIVE_TO) - ROUND_DRIVE_TO;
    tmppp = head.next;
    MemSet(&mbr, 0, BLK_SIZE);
    mbr.signature = 0xAA55;
    offset = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < pri_count; i++)
        mbr.p[i].active     = 0x80;
        mbr.p[i].start_head = 0;
        mbr.p[i].start_cyl  = 0x101;
        mbr.p[i].type       = 1; //Will get set different.
        mbr.p[i].end_head   = 0xFE;
        mbr.p[i].end_cyl    = 0xFFFF;
        mbr.p[i].offset     = DRIVE_HEADER + offset;
        mbr.p[i].size       = tmppp->size - DRIVE_HEADER;
        offset += tmppp->size;
        remaining -= tmppp->size;
        tmppp = tmppp->next;
    if (!i)
    if (tmppp != &head)
        mbr.p[i].active     = 0x80;
        mbr.p[i].start_head = 0;
        mbr.p[i].start_cyl  = 0x101;
        mbr.p[i].type       = 0xF;
        mbr.p[i].end_head   = 0xFE;
        mbr.p[i].end_cyl    = 0xFFFF;
        mbr.p[i].offset     = offset;
        mbr.p[i].size       = remaining;
        ext_base = offset;
    AHCIAtaBlksWrite(bd, &mbr, 0, 1);

    while (tmppp != &head)
        start_offset = offset;
        MemSet(&mbr, 0, BLK_SIZE);
        mbr.signature = 0xAA55;

        mbr.p[0].active     = 0x80;
        mbr.p[0].start_head = 1;
        mbr.p[0].start_cyl  = 0x101;
        mbr.p[0].type       = 1; //Will get set different.
        mbr.p[0].end_head   = 0xFE;
        mbr.p[0].end_cyl    = 0xFFFF;
        mbr.p[0].offset     = DRIVE_HEADER;
        mbr.p[0].size       = tmppp->size - DRIVE_HEADER;
        offset += tmppp->size;
        tmppp = tmppp->next;
        if (tmppp != &head)
            mbr.p[1].active     = 0x80;
            mbr.p[1].start_head = 0;
            mbr.p[1].start_cyl  = 0x101;
            mbr.p[1].type       = 5;
            mbr.p[1].end_head   = 0xFE;
            mbr.p[1].end_cyl    = 0xFFFF;
            mbr.p[1].offset     = offset - ext_base;
            mbr.p[1].size       = tmppp->size;
        AHCIAtaBlksWrite(bd, &mbr, start_offset, 1);

    BlkDevAdd(bd,, FALSE, TRUE);
    for (i = bd->first_drive_let; i < drv_let2; i++)
        Format(i,, FALSE);

    while (head.next != &head)
        tmppp = head.next;

    return total;