CHashDefineStr *DefineLoad(U8 *dname, U8 *st, I64 caller_num=1) {//Create DEFINE hash entry with string. CHashDefineStr *tmph = CAlloc(sizeof(CHashDefineStr)); tmph->type = HTT_DEFINE_STR; tmph->str = StrNew(dname); tmph->data = StrNew(st); tmph->count = -1; tmph->src_link = MStrPrint("AD:0x%X", Caller(caller_num)); HashAdd(tmph, Fs->hash_table); return tmph; } CHashDefineStr *DefineListLoad(U8 *dname, U8 *list) {//Create DEFINE list. Not efficient, but handy. I64 count = 0; U8 *ptr, **idx; CHashDefineStr *tmph = CAlloc(sizeof(CHashDefineStr)); tmph->type = HTT_DEFINE_STR; tmph->str = StrNew(dname); tmph->src_link = MStrPrint("AD:0x%X", Caller); ptr = list; while (*ptr) { if (*ptr != '@') count++; while (*ptr++); } tmph->data = MAlloc(ptr + 1 - list); MemCopy(tmph->data, list, ptr + 1 - list); tmph->count = count; idx = tmph->sub_idx = MAlloc(count * sizeof(U8 *)); ptr = list; while (*ptr) { if (*ptr != '@') *idx++ = ptr; while (*ptr++); } HashAdd(tmph, Fs->hash_table); return tmph; } U0 UndefinedDefine(U8 *dname) { ST_ERR_ST "Undefined Define: '%s'.\n", dname; throw('UndefDef'); } U8 *Define(U8 *dname) {//Look for DEFINE named in hash table, return pointer string. CHashDefineStr *tmph; if (tmph = HashFind(dname, Fs->hash_table, HTT_DEFINE_STR)) return tmph->data; else if (dname) UndefinedDefine(dname); else return NULL; } U8 *DefineSub(I64 sub, U8 *dname) {//Return DEFINE list entry indexed by number. CHashDefineStr *tmph; if (tmph = HashFind(dname, Fs->hash_table, HTT_DEFINE_STR)) { if (0 <= sub < tmph->count) return tmph->sub_idx[sub]; else return NULL; } else if (dname) UndefinedDefine(dname); else return NULL; } I64 DefineCount(U8 *dname) {//Return count of entries in define list. CHashDefineStr *tmph; if (tmph = HashFind(dname, Fs->hash_table, HTT_DEFINE_STR)) return tmph->count; else if (dname) UndefinedDefine(dname); else return -1; } I64 DefineMatch(U8 *needle, U8 *haystack_list_dname, I64 flags=0) {//Find match for string in define list. return ListMatch(needle, Define(haystack_list_dname), flags); } U0 DefinePrint(U8 *dname, U8 *src, ...) {//Create DEFINE entry with Print()ed string. U8 *buf = StrPrintJoin(NULL, src, argc, argv); DefineLoad(dname, buf, 2); Free(buf); } U0 SysDefinesLoad() { DefineListLoad("ST_OFF_ON", "Off\0" "On"); DefineListLoad("ST_FALSE_TRUE", "False\0" "True"); DefineListLoad("ST_HTT_TYPES", "ExportSysSym\0" "ImportSysSym\0" "DefineStr\0" "GlbVar\0" "Class\0" "IntType\0" "Funct\0" "Word\0" "DictWord\0" "KeyWord\0" "AsmKeyWord\0" "OpCode\0" "Reg\0" "File\0" "Module\0" "HelpFile\0" "Frame Ptr\0" " \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0" "Private\0" "Public\0" "Export\0" "Import\0" "Imm\0" "Goto\0" "Res\0" "Unres\0" "Local\0"); DefineListLoad("ST_DAYS_OF_WEEK", "Sunday\0" "Monday\0" "Tuesday\0" "Wednesday\0" "Thursday\0" "Friday\0" "Saturday\0"); DefineListLoad("ST_MONTHS", "January\0" "February\0" "March\0" "April\0" "May\0" "June\0" "July\0" "August\0" "September\0" "October\0" "November\0" "December\0"); DefineListLoad("ST_FILE_ATTRS", "R\0" "H\0" "S\0" "V\0" "D\0" "A\0" " \0" " \0" "X\0" "T\0" "C\0" "F\0"); DefineListLoad("ST_FILE_UTIL_FLAGS", "r\0" "d\0" "i\0" "a\0" "c\0" "R\0" "p\0" "m\0" "s\0" "D\0" "F\0" "T\0" "$\0" "S\0" "A\0" "J\0" "G\0" "O\0" "P\0" "f\0" "l\0" "lb\0" "la\0"); DefineListLoad("ST_BLKDEV_TYPES", "NULL\0" "RAM\0" "ATA\0" "FILE_READ\0" "FILE_WRITE\0" "ATAPI\0"); DefineListLoad("ST_DRIVE_TYPES", "NULL\0" "REDSEA\0" "FAT32\0" "ISO9660\0" "NTFS\0" "LINUX\0" "SWAP\0" "UNKNOWN\0"); DefineListLoad("ST_TASK_FLAGS", "Task Lock\0" "Kill Task\0" "Suspended\0" "Idle\0" "Cmd Line Prompt\0" "Input Filter Task\0" "Filter Input\0" "Has Song\0" "Disable Breakpoints\0" "Awaiting Message\0" "Break Locked\0" "Pending Break\0" "Break to Shift Esc\0" "Kill After Debug\0" "Non-Timer Rand\0"); DefineListLoad("ST_DISPLAY_FLAGS", "Show\0" "Not Raw\0" "Silent\0" "No Border\0" "Window on Top\0" "Children Not on Top\0"); DefineListLoad("ST_WIN_INHIBIT_FLAGS", "Self Focus\0" "Self Menu\0" "Self Ctrls\0" "Self Mouse Left\0" "Self Mouse Left Pressed\0" "Self Mouse Right\0" "Self Mouse Right Pressed\0" "Self Mouse Wheel\0" "Self Border\0" "Self Grab-Scroll\0" "Self Doc\0" "Self ODE\0" "Self Key Description\0" " \0" " \0" " \0" " \0" "Focus Task Menu\0" "Focus Task Ctrls\0" "Focus Task Mouse Left\0" "Focus Task Mouse Left Pressed\0" "Focus Task Mouse Right\0" "Focus Task Mouse Right Pressed\0" "Focus Task Mouse Wheel\0" "Focus Task Border\0" "Focus Task Grab-Scroll\0"); DefineListLoad("ST_COLORS", "BLACK\0" "BLUE\0" "GREEN\0" "CYAN\0" "RED\0" "PURPLE\0" "BROWN\0" "LTGRAY\0" "DKGRAY\0" "LTBLUE\0" "LTGREEN\0" "LTCYAN\0" "LTRED\0" "LTPURPLE\0" "YELLOW\0" "WHITE\0"); DefineListLoad("ST_INT_NAMES", "Divide Error\0" "SingleStep\0" "NMI\0" "Breakpoint\0" "Overflow\0" "BOUND Range Exceeded\0" "Invalid Opcode\0" "No Math Coprocessor\0" "Double Fault\0" "Coprocessor Segment Fault\0" "Invalid TASK\0" "Segment Not Present\0" "Stack Segment Fault\0" "General Protection\0" "Page Fault\0" " \0" "Math Fault\0" "Alignment Check\0" "Machine Check\0" "SIMD Exception\0" " \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0" " \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0" "MP Crash\0" "Wake\0" "Debug\0"); } U8 *Color2Str(U8 *buf, CColorROPU32 c) {//CColorROPU32 with flags to DCLighting str. *buf = 0; if (c.c0.rop & ROPBF_TWO_SIDED) CatPrint(buf, "TWO|"); if (c.c0.rop & ROPBF_HALF_RANGE_COLOR) CatPrint(buf, "HALF|"); if (0 <= c.c0.color < 16) CatPrint(buf, DefineSub(c.c0.color, "ST_COLORS")); else if (c.c0.color == TRANSPARENT) CatPrint(buf, "TRANSPARENT"); else CatPrint(buf, "INVALID"); if (c & ROPF_DITHER) { CatPrint(buf, "/"); if (c.c1.rop & ROPBF_TWO_SIDED) CatPrint(buf, "TWO|"); if (c.c1.rop & ROPBF_HALF_RANGE_COLOR) CatPrint(buf, "HALF|"); if (0 <= c.c1.color < 16) CatPrint(buf, DefineSub(c.c1.color, "ST_COLORS")); else if (c.c1.color == TRANSPARENT) CatPrint(buf, "TRANSPARENT"); else CatPrint(buf, "INVALID"); } return buf; } U8 *str2color_list = "/,)}>"; CColorROPU16 Str2ColorU16(U8 *st) {//DCLighting color str with flags to CColorROPU16. CColorROPU16 res = COLOR_INVALID; I64 i; U8 *ptr, *ptr2, *st2; if (!st) return COLOR_INVALID; while (TRUE) { if (!*st || StrOcc(str2color_list, *st)) return res; if (Bt(char_bmp_alpha, *st)) { ptr = st; while (Bt(char_bmp_alpha_numeric, *ptr)) ptr++; st2 = ptr2 = MAlloc(ptr - st + 1); while (st < ptr) *ptr2++ = *st++; *ptr2++ = 0; if (!StrICompare(st2, "TWO")) res.rop |= ROPBF_TWO_SIDED; else if (!StrICompare(st2, "HALF")) res.rop |= ROPBF_HALF_RANGE_COLOR; else if ((i = DefineMatch(st2, "ST_COLORS", LMF_IGNORE_CASE)) >= 0) res.color = i; else if (!StrICompare(st2, "TRANSPARENT")) res.color = TRANSPARENT; else { Free(st2); return COLOR_INVALID; } Free(st2); } else if (*st == '+' || *st == '|' || Bt(char_bmp_white_space, *st)) st++; else if ('0' <= *st <= '9') { i = Str2I64(st, 10, &ptr); if (0 <= i <= 0xFF) { res.color = i; st = ptr; } else return COLOR_INVALID; } else return COLOR_INVALID; } } CColorROPU32 Str2ColorU32(U8 *st) {//DCLighting color str with flags to CColorROPU32. U8 *st2; CColorROPU32 res = 0; if (!st) return COLOR_INVALID; st2 = MAlloc(StrLen(st) + 1); StrFirstRemove(st, str2color_list, st2); res.c0 = Str2ColorU16(st2); if (*st) { res.c1 = Str2ColorU16(st); res |= ROPF_DITHER; } if (res.c0.color == COLOR_INVALID || res.c1.color == COLOR_INVALID) return COLOR_INVALID; else return res; }