#define JSONT_INVALID 0 #define JSONT_STRING 1 #define JSONT_INTEGER 2 #define JSONT_FLOAT 3 #define JSONT_ARRAY 4 #define JSONT_BOOL 5 #define JSONT_OBJ 6 #define JSONT_NULL 7 #define JSON_HASHTABLE_SIZE 1024 #define HTT_JSON 0x00100 // identical to HTT_DICT_WORD class CJSONDataEntry:CQueue { U8 type; I64 int_data; F64 float_data; U8 *string_data; Bool bool_data; CJSONDataEntry *list_data; CHashTable *hash_table; }; class CJSONDataHash:CHash { CJSONDataEntry *data; }; U8 **JSONKeysGet(CHashTable *table) { I64 i, count = 0; CHash *temp_hash; U8 **keys; I64 key_index = 0; for (i = 0; i <= table->mask; i++) // mask is table length 0-based if (temp_hash = table->body[i]) // if temp_hash exists count++; keys = CAlloc(sizeof(U8*) * count); // alloc string list for (i = 0; i <= table->mask; i++) if (temp_hash = table->body[i]) { keys[key_index] = StrNew(temp_hash->str); // add key string to list key_index++; } return keys; } U0 JSONDataRep(CJSONDataEntry *data, I64 indent=0) { U8 **keys; I64 index; I64 count; CJSONDataEntry *entry; CJSONDataHash *temp_hash; "%h*c", indent, '\t'; switch (data->type) { case JSONT_INVALID: "Invalid JSON.\n"; break; case JSONT_STRING: "%s\n", data->string_data; break; case JSONT_INTEGER: "%d\n", data->int_data; break; case JSONT_FLOAT: "%.9f\n", data->float_data; break; case JSONT_BOOL: "%Z\n", data->bool_data, "ST_FALSE_TRUE"; break; case JSONT_NULL: "Null.\n"; break; case JSONT_ARRAY: "Array:\n"; "%h*c", indent, '\t'; "[\n"; entry = data->list_data->next; // one after head. while (entry != data->list_data) // head ignored, stop on head. { JSONDataRep(entry, indent + 1); // recursive Rep on the list entry entry = entry->next; } "%h*c", indent, '\t'; "]\n"; break; case JSONT_OBJ: "Object.\n"; "%h*c", indent, '\t'; "{\n"; keys = JSONKeysGet(data->hash_table); count = MSize(keys) / sizeof(U8*); for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { "%h*c", indent, '\t'; "Key: %s\n", keys[index]; temp_hash = HashFind(keys[index], data->hash_table, HTT_JSON); JSONDataRep(temp_hash->data, indent + 1); } "%h*c", indent, '\t'; "}\n"; break; } } CJSONDataEntry *JSONKeyValueGet(CJSONDataEntry *data, U8 *key) { U8 **keys; I64 index; I64 count; CJSONDataHash *temp_hash; switch (data->type) { case JSONT_OBJ: keys = JSONKeysGet(data->hash_table); count = MSize(keys) / sizeof(U8*); for (index = 0; index < count; index++) { temp_hash = HashFind(keys[index], data->hash_table, HTT_JSON); if (!StrCompare(key, keys[index]) && temp_hash) return temp_hash->data; } break; default: break; } return NULL; } CJSONDataEntry *JSONIndexValueGet(CJSONDataEntry *data, U64 list_index) { CJSONDataEntry *entry; U64 i = 0; switch (data->type) { case JSONT_ARRAY: entry = data->list_data->next; // one after head. while (entry != data->list_data) // head ignored, stop on head. { if (i++ == list_index) return entry; entry = entry->next; } break; default: break; } return NULL; } CJSONDataEntry *JSONParse(CCompCtrl *cc) { CJSONDataEntry *result = CAlloc(sizeof(CJSONDataEntry)); I64 tk, last_tk; Bool is_done = FALSE; CJSONDataEntry *temp_entry; CJSONDataHash *temp_hash = CAlloc(sizeof(CJSONDataHash)); while (tk = Lex(cc)) { switch (tk) { case '}': LexExcept(cc, "Expected Value, got '}'."); case TK_STR: result->type = JSONT_STRING; result->string_data = StrNew(cc->cur_str); is_done = TRUE; break; case TK_I64: //todo, LexExcept on 0x or 0b vals. result->type = JSONT_INTEGER; result->int_data = cc->cur_i64; is_done = TRUE; break; case TK_F64: result->type = JSONT_FLOAT; result->float_data = cc->cur_f64; is_done = TRUE; break; case TK_IDENT: if (!StrCompare(cc->cur_str, "true") || !StrCompare(cc->cur_str, "false")) { result->type = JSONT_BOOL; if (!StrCompare(cc->cur_str, "true")) result->bool_data = TRUE; if (!StrCompare(cc->cur_str, "false")) result->bool_data = FALSE; is_done = TRUE; } if (!StrCompare(cc->cur_str, "null")) { result->type = JSONT_NULL; is_done = TRUE; } is_done = TRUE; break; case '[': result->type = JSONT_ARRAY; result->list_data = CAlloc(sizeof(CJSONDataEntry)); QueueInit(result->list_data); lex_listitem: last_tk = tk; LexPush(cc); tk = Lex(cc); if (last_tk == ',' && tk == ']') LexExcept(cc, "Expected List value, got ']'"); if (tk == ']') goto lex_listdone; if (tk == ',') LexExcept(cc, "Expected List Value, got comma."); LexPopRestore(cc); temp_entry = JSONParse(cc); QueueInsert(temp_entry, result->list_data->last); tk = Lex(cc); if (tk == ',') goto lex_listitem; lex_listdone: is_done = TRUE; break; case '{': result->type = JSONT_OBJ; result->hash_table = HashTableNew(JSON_HASHTABLE_SIZE); lex_objkey: // lex next. expect TK_STR. Make a temp_hash. last_tk = tk; tk = Lex(cc); if (last_tk == ',' && tk == '}') LexExcept(cc, "Expected Key after comma."); if (tk == '}') goto lex_objdone; if (tk != TK_STR) LexExcept(cc, "Expected Key String."); temp_hash = CAlloc(sizeof(CJSONDataHash)); // set hash type and StrNew with cc->cur_str into hash str. temp_hash->type = HTT_JSON; temp_hash->str = StrNew(cc->cur_str); // lex next. expect ':'. tk = Lex(cc); if (tk != ':') LexExcept(cc, "Expected ':' after Key String."); // now expect JSONDataEntry-able value next. // Recursive JSONParse into hash data member. temp_hash->data = JSONParse(cc); // JSONParse leaves off on the last token. e.g. int, tk will // still be TK_I64. // add hash to result hash_table. HashAdd(temp_hash, result->hash_table); // lex next. expect ',' or '}'. tk = Lex(cc); if (tk != ',' && tk != '}') LexExcept(cc, "Expected ',' or '}' after Object Value."); if (tk == ',') goto lex_objkey; lex_objdone: is_done = TRUE; break; } if (is_done) break; } return result; } U0 JSONFileRep(U8 *filename) { CCompCtrl *cc = CompCtrlNew(MStrPrint("#include \"%s\"", filename)); CJSONDataEntry *data = JSONParse(cc); JSONDataRep(data); ClassRep((data = JSONKeyValueGet(data, "floats"))); // ClassRep((data = JSONIndexValueGet(data, 3))); CompCtrlDel(cc); } "\n"; class CTestClass { CTestClass *next, *last; U8 field1; I64 field2; U8 *buffer; }; CTestClass *head = CAlloc(sizeof(CTestClass)); QueueInit(head); // works since CTestClass has next & last members head->field1 = 2; head->field2 = 1234567890; // DONT DO THIS ONLY DOING FOR DEBUG REASONS CTestClass *test_class1 = CAlloc(sizeof(CTestClass)); CTestClass *test_class2 = CAlloc(sizeof(CTestClass)); CTestClass *test_class3 = CAlloc(sizeof(CTestClass)); QueueInsertRev(test_class1, head); QueueInsertRev(test_class2, head); QueueInsertRev(test_class3, head); test_class1->field1 = 45; test_class1->field2 = 123; test_class1->buffer = MAlloc(1024); test_class2->field1 = 11; test_class2->field2 = -456; test_class2->buffer = MAlloc(1024); test_class3->field1 = 22; test_class3->field2 = 999; test_class3->buffer = MAlloc(1024); CTestClass *temp_test_class = head->next; while (temp_test_class != head) { "test_class entry = field1:%d field2:%d\n", temp_test_class->field1, temp_test_class->field2; temp_test_class = temp_test_class->next; } "\n\n"; ClassRep(head); // WIP, TODO: FIX/REWRITE this method U8 *JSONString(U8 *obj, U8 *class_name=lastclass, Bool is_base=FALSE, Bool is_list=FALSE, U8 *head=NULL) { // convert some struct in memory to a JSON string. See ClassRep. U8 *ptr, *temp_obj; CMemberList *ml; CHashClass *tmpc, *tmpc2; I64 i, stars; if (!(tmpc = HashFind(class_name, Fs->hash_table, HTG_ALL))) return NULL; if (!CheckPtr(obj) || !CheckPtr(obj(U8 *) + tmpc->size)) return NULL; if (tmpc->base_class) JSONString(obj, tmpc->base_class->str, TRUE); ml = tmpc->member_list_and_root; if (ml && !StrCompare(ml->str, "next") && !is_base) { "["; is_list = TRUE; tmpc2 = ml->member_class; stars = tmpc2->ptr_stars_count; tmpc2 = OptClassFwd(tmpc2); tmpc2 -= tmpc2->ptr_stars_count; ptr = obj + ml->offset; temp_obj = *ptr(I64 *); if (stars) { while (temp_obj != obj && temp_obj != NULL) { JSONString(temp_obj, tmpc2->str, TRUE); temp_obj = *(temp_obj + ml->offset)(I64 *); if (temp_obj != obj && temp_obj != NULL) ", "; } } ml = NULL; // ml = ml->next; // if (ml && !StrCompare(ml->str, "last")) // ml = ml->next; } else "{"; while (ml) { tmpc2 = ml->member_class; stars = tmpc2->ptr_stars_count; tmpc2 = OptClassFwd(tmpc2); tmpc2 -= tmpc2->ptr_stars_count; ptr = obj + ml->offset; "\"%s\":", ml->str; switch (tmpc2->raw_type) { case RT_I0: case RT_U0: break; case RT_I8: case RT_U8: "%d", *ptr++; break; case RT_I16: case RT_U16: "%d", *ptr(I16 *)++; break; case RT_I32: case RT_U32: "%d", *ptr(I32 *)++; break; case RT_I64: // RT_PTR case RT_U64: "%d", *ptr(I64 *)++; break; case RT_F64: break; } ml = ml->next; if (ml) ", "; } if (is_list && !is_base) "]"; else "}"; return NULL; } "\n\nRESULT OF JSONString(head):\n\n"; JSONString(head); "\n\n"; Cd(__DIR__); JSONFileRep("JSON1.TXT");