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There is a symbol (hash) table for each task.  When a symbol is not found, the parent task's symbol table is checked.  All 
tasks chain back to the System task.

ZealOS symbol tables are implemented with an array of linked-lists. A num is generated from a string by HashStr() to index 
into the array of linked-lists. Multiple strings can generate the same num, so linked-lists are built.  Newer entries 
overshadow older ones.

There are various types of entries.  See Hash Entry Types.

Symbol Look-up (Used many places including the JIT Compiler and Loader.)
1) Symbol name is hashed by adding and shifting the ASCII of all chars.
2) hash table->body[] array is indexed.
3) Linked-list is traversed until match of text and type of entry.
4) If not found, hash table->next table is searched.

Duplicate entries are allowed -- they overshadow old entries.

Address-to-Symbol Look-up (Slow because not important. We could use trees.)
1) FunSeg Cache is scanned.
2) Hash Tables are scanned.