//Test image which we will determine the extents of. <1>/* Graphics Not Rendered in HTML */ U0 Extents() { CDC *dc = DCAlias; I64 min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y; //Screen, not win coordinates. I64 h = Fs->pix_left + Fs->scroll_x, v = Fs->pix_top + Fs->scroll_y; DocClear; DCFill; //This sets a flag to record the //extents of what we draw and inits //the max's and min's. Vals are //screen coordinates. DCExtentsInit(dc); dc->thick = 3; Sprite3(dc, 40, GR_HEIGHT >> 1, 0, <1>); dc->color = LTRED; dc->thick = 1; //This box is the extents. GrLine(dc, dc->min_x - h, dc->min_y - v, dc->max_x - h, dc->min_y - v); GrLine(dc, dc->min_x - h, dc->min_y - v, dc->min_x - h, dc->max_y - v); GrLine(dc, dc->max_x - h, dc->max_y - v, dc->max_x - h, dc->min_y - v); GrLine(dc, dc->max_x - h, dc->max_y - v, dc->min_x - h, dc->max_y - v); DCDel(dc); PressAKey; DCFill; SpriteExtents(<1>, &min_x, &max_x, &min_y, &max_y); "X: %d to %d\n", min_x, max_x; "Y: %d to %d\n", min_y, max_y; } Extents;